Take your editors' UX to the next level, part 2.

  • Drupal
  • Wisdom
  • UX

In part 1, I discussed how you could greatly improve the experience of your site editors relatively cheaply. However, there's only so much you can achieve with modules. Sometimes, you need to get your hands dirty and code.

Introducing The projectname_custom Module

Whenever I start a project, I always create a custom module called projectname_custom. I do so because I always end up tweaking some parts of the system. This module is invariably located inside sites/(all|site_name)/modules/custom/projectname_custom/. This is where I will customize Drupal for the project's needs. I'm not talking about custom features or functionality. That will go inside other modules. The projectname_custom module is specifically for tweaking existing modules or core. It basically contains a bunch of hook implementations.

What To Change

This is hard to summarize, and depends a lot on your project. But, usually, it will contain some hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() implementations.

Side note: over time, many of the following tips have been built into stand-alone modules and are available on Drupal.org. But, as I mentioned in this post, it's not always a good idea to install modules for everything. Plus, it's serves the purpose of demonstration well.

For example, let's look at the Node form.

Simplifying Node Forms

Drupal being a content management system, and the king of content being nodes, the number 1 area you want to improve the UI and UX is the node form. The following are some simple tips, but the techniques used will show you just how flexible this approach is, and how flexible Drupal is as a system.

Get rid of the annoying publishing options

The node form will contain a bunch of form fields you might never want to use. For example, under Publishing options, you will see checkboxes for Sticky at top of lists and Promoted to front page. In many projects, these make absolutely no sense. They confuse editors and make you have to answer that annoying question: “What is this for?”

This is easily solved with a little hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter():

function projectname_custom_form_node_form_alter(&$form, $form_state) {
  $form['options']['promote']['#access'] = FALSE;    
  $form['options']['sticky']['#access'] = FALSE;    

By denying access to these fields, you keep them available in code with their default values, so you do not risk breaking some other modules that might depend on these values being present.

Disable previews

Another thing is to deactivate the preview. The preview is considered broken by many (me included). It's especially useless when using a different theme (administration theme) for editing content. This, again, is easy to solve:

function projectname_custom_form_node_form_alter(&$form, $form_state) {

More save (and delete) buttons

If you have a particularly long node form, it might be helpful to put some extra save button at the top (unless you use an administration theme that already provides this — some even make the buttons stick to the top when you scroll down, so you can always reach them):

function projectname_custom_form_node_form_alter(&$form, $form_state) {
  $form['actions_top'] = $form['actions'];
  $form['actions_top']['#weight'] = -1000;

Only show a field when certain conditions are met

This is a common issue. Some fields might only be relevant if another one is filled, or a checkbox is checked. For instance, when creating a node, Drupal only shows you the form fields for a menu entry if you check the Provide a menu link checkbox.

This behavior is pretty easy to replicate, as Drupal's Form API allows us to add these kind of rules. Let's say, for example, that we only wish to show a textarea called Description if we check a checkbox called Show a description. The machine names are field_description and field_show_description, respectively, and are only shown on a content type called post.

In our hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() hook, which in this case is specifically for our post content type:

function projectname_custom_form_post_node_form_alter(&$form, $form_state) {
  $form['field_description']['#states'] = array(
    'invisible' => array(
      // Because Drupal fields have a language key in their name, we
      // can use the CSS attribute starts-with selector (^="") to
      // get our field. This prevents us from having to specify the
      // language key, like name="field_show_description[und]".
      ':input[name^="field_show_description"]' => array('checked' => FALSE),

Notice we can also do the inverse, meaning make the checkbox label say Do not show a description and, when checked, hide the description field. In that case, it's as easy as setting the condition to TRUE:

function projectname_custom_form_post_node_form_alter(&$form, $form_state) {
  $form['field_description']['#states'] = array(
    'invisible' => array(
      ':input[name^="field_show_description"]' => array('checked' => TRUE),

Let's take another example. Still inside our post content type, we have an optional Email textfield (field_email) and a Show email checkbox (field_show_email). We only want to show the checkbox if an email is actually provided in the Email textfield:

function projectname_custom_form_post_node_form_alter(&$form, $form_state) {
  $form['field_show_email']['#states'] = array(
    'invisible' => array(
      // Same trick as before, using starts-with attribute selector.
      ':input[name^="field_email"]' => array('empty' => TRUE),

You can get a full list of all possible flags here.

Module Or Core Customizations

Sometimes you will find yourself using a module that doesn't exactly do what you want. In such cases, do not hack it! In many cases, it will expose hooks, which you can use to tweak the way the module (or Drupal core) behaves. Hooks that change a small aspect of a module are ideal candidates for our projectname_custom module.

Expanding Drupal's permissions

For example, you may find yourself in a situation where Drupal's permission system just doesn't cut it. A typical example is when you give an editor the permission use the administration pages and help so she can use the Admin menu. However, she now has entries in her menu to Configuration, Structure, etc. When clicking on these, she might only get a blank page. That sucks. The best is to hide them.

There are several options here. You could hook into the menu rendering, but that tends to get nasty and tricky. An approach I use is to provide my own, custom permissions, and change the menu item permissions — this requires some good documentation on the project for any future maintainers (and even for yourself).

For example, if I were to restrict access to admin/config for the editors, I define a new permission using hook_permission():

function projectname_custom_permission() {
  return array(
    'use the administration pages for configuration' => array(
      'title' => t("Use the administration pages for configuration"),
      'description' => t("Use the administration pages under admin/config"),

This gives me a new permission. I can give this to administrators, site builders, whoever requires it. Now, with another hook, hook_menu_alter(), I can change the access argument for admin/config:

function projectname_custom_menu_alter(&$items) {
  $items['admin/config']['access arguments'] = array('use the administration pages for configuration');

Now, when I clear the site cache, the editors will no longer see Configuration in their admin menu, because they do not have the permission.

To make it very clear we “hacked” Drupal's core behavior this way, we need to document it! I suggest even putting up a little warning message on the permissions page, explaining what you did and why:

function projectname_custom_form_user_admin_permissions_alter() {
  drupal_set_message(t("Caution: projectname_custom defines a few custom permissions that expand on the default 'Use the administration pages and help' permission. The reason is to give editors access to the administration menu, but not showing them empty entries like Configuration. Check projectname_custom_menu_alter() for more information."), 'warning');

Note: for readability, here's the message:
“Caution: projectname_custom defines a few custom permissions that expand on the default 'Use the administration pages and help' permission. The reason is to give editors access to the administration menu, but not showing them empty entries like Configuration. Check projectname_custom_menu_alter() for more information.”

Where To Go From Here

I could go on and on, but I'm sure you get the idea. There are many small aspects that you can improve, and — I can't stress this enough — your clients will love you for it.

Try to think like a content editor. Try to see what is distracting, what gets in their way. Ask them for suggestions. Tell them the budget may not allow you to implement all of them, but that you really want to make the experience as seamless and enjoyable as possible.

What about you? Do you have any tips for enhancing the editor experience? Put them in the comments.

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